Pickup Day Information
Common Puppy Pickup Questions
1) Where will I pick my puppy up?
Typically at the Lake Benton Kennel location, 1961 170th Avenue, Lake Benton, MN. However, if the puppies are coming from the SD location we usually meet one mile north of the MN kennel at 2062 170th Avenue, Lake Benton, MN (Sandy's parents home). We will let you know which location before pickup. If you'd like to take a trip out to the Black Hills, we live just three miles from Mt. Rushmore.
(2) Who will be there?
At the MN location, Lee and Laura Lustfield will be at your service. If the puppies are coming from the SD location, Brad or Sandy Brockhouse will be meeting you.
(3) How has the picking order been established?
Pick order happens in the order we receive the deposits (we take you on a verbal first). We usually reserve 3-4 males and females from each litter. Once the puppies are born, we notify all parties and plan for puppy pick up. Pups are picked up at seven weeks old, and picked up in order reserved. We try to line pick up day on a Saturday with first pick arriving around 9 am, second pick 10 am and so on. If puppy is flying or going by Gundog Express, we pick out the puppy for you based on characteristics you are looking for.
(4) Will I get my puppy's AKC papers at pickup?
AKC papers are typically mailed from the SD location the week after puppy pick up.
(5) Will I get my puppy's vet records of shots, etc?
Yes you will get shot records the day of puppy pick up. Puppies do not see a vet (except when they get their dew claws removed at 2-3 days old). We do administer the first series shot of Parvo/Distemper at six weeks old. Puppies are also dewormed two to three times before puppy pick up.
(6) When should I make my puppy's first vet appointment for the next round of shots?
Second series shots are typically due about one month after the first series. You are safe to make a vet appointment once you have had the puppy one month. You can also purchase the second series shot from your vet and administer yourself, and the same goes for the third series. The third series is typically due one month after the second series. Rabies shots cannot be given until the puppy is at least six months old, which does require a trip to the vet.
(7) What food will my puppy be on and should I keep feeding her/him that food?
We use Loyall Puppy Food for Large Breeds. It is sometimes difficult to find this food, but we have had amazing results with this brand. You can transition puppies by buying a small bag of Loyall and mixing it with your brand. You can also just start with your new brand. It is normal for puppies to have some loose stool their first week during the transition, regardless of what food you feed them. It's a big adjustment going from mom and all their siblings to their new forever home.
(8) How much has my puppy been socialized? In what way?
Ou puppies are very socialized. Between kids and grand kids and us crazy adults, the puppies see endless love. They are touched and handled daily, and they are use to loud noises and occasionally we get them on birds (if Lee is raising them). The puppies are very acclimated to people and other pets. They have a ton of natural instinct and will be naturally birdie, natural couch potatoes and have an unmatched drive and demeanor.
(9) Has any potting training taken place yet?
No, but they are usually very easy to potty train, as they are very intelligent and love to please.
(10) What do you recommend I bring with to bring my puppy home?
A small kennel is best. However, many people just ride them on their lap (if they have a passenger). It is typical to hear some whining. They do usually calm down after a bit. Once you hear the whining again, it usually means they need a bathroom break.