Our Girls
Turkey Creek's One Hot Pointdoc--Tess
Tess is a beautiful 60# red female. She is the result of a linebreeding of the famous Helm's Point Doctor PT, who was made famous after his photo and write-up graced the pages of OUTDOOR LIFE magazine in 2004. Her sire is Helm's Signature Point Doctor (Helm's Point Doctor PT X TLC's Miss Bone Creek Molly). Her dam is Helm's Signature Starr ( Helm's Point Doctor PT X Helm's Black Copper). Tess is extremely athletic with the ability to cover ground faster than any dog I've seen yet it seems effortless for her. She's very driven and has a certain grace about her yet is very laid back and sweet around people. She has retrieved naturally to hand from the beginning and has a very soft mouth. Tess is kind of like our electric fireplace, red hot flames when we need heat and quiet and cool when not needed. Extremely talented female with that gorgeous red color. And yes................SHE POINTS!!
Turkey Creek's Worth Every Red Cent--"Copper"
Copper is a fifty-five pound gorgeous red female with an affectionate personality that wins hearts. Copper is out of Georgia X Lincoln, and Georgia is out of Tess X Goose. This lineage has a proven track record of all drive, tons of personality and the perfect family gundog. No need to worry about who will be retrieving your birds, or cleaning up the kitchen floor. Copper and her offspring have been outdoing themselves on and off the field. You've got the total package with these bloodlines; looks, size, temperament and natural point!
Mattie Mae
Turkey Creek's Mattie Mae--"Mattie Mae"
Mattie is a truly gorgeous 65# red female with a terrific conformation. Her sire is GMPR Snake River Eagle Talon SH (GMPR BarNones Snake River Otter MH X Shiner’s Gina Means Business). Her dam is Brandy Santana Rogers (Star Lab’s T-Bird’s Ted JH X Bailey Santana Rogers). She is a super sweet girl that offers the complete package. She’s aggressive in the field chasing pheasants but sits perfectly still waiting for doves or sitting in the duck boat. She really performs well on those big Canadas. Mattie points extremely hard and is a fun, easy dog to hunt with. The boys love her. She’s what you look for when you want to produce better labs!!
Turkey Creek's Worth Every Red Cent--"Keystone"
Keystone is a natural born hunter and her offspring are proving to be the same. She is a sixty pound dark yellow female with a charming personality. Her parents are Cheyenne X Goose, Keystone is a perfect example of why our lineage works. She is great with kids and excels on and off the field. Her easy-going disposition and her naturally close working hunting methods have us loading her up come hunting season. If we have a shotgun, we have Keystone!
Turkey Creek's Cheyenne Red -- "Cheyenne"
Cheyenne is a sixty three pound dark yellow female out of Turkey Creek Legend of Fall (GMPR Sauk River Featherstorm X Lhotak’s Red Jazmin JH). Her dam is Turkey Creek’s Apieceamonalisa (GMPR Hi Sierra Jazz’s Drifter MH X CP Sara’s Rockin Roxie). Cheyenne is a beautiful blocky female and has been a natural from the beginning. Her prey drive is incredible!! If she marks a bird going down, you will never lose it. Cheyenne is a upland hunting machine! She has a great nose and a big heart, but in the field she is all business. Cheyenne just plain “thinks birds!”
Turkey Creek's Tote-ally Gorgeous --"Eva"
Eva is a 55 pound light yellow female. Her sire is GMPR Spioncop Christos Magic Baker SH (Spion Cop Christo X More Magic From Holzingers) and her dam is Isabelle Pride of Forest (Forest of Black Forest X Raiders Royal Jasmine). Eva’s mom won the 2009 South Dakota State Pheasant Championship mixed doubles. Eva is an extremely natural athletic girl. She lives to please and loves to retrieve! Eva covers a lot of ground and has a personality you can’t help but fall in love with. Super sweet and loves those pheasants!!
Turkey Creek's Worth Every Red Cent -- "Amber"
Amber is as talented as she is gorgeous. She is a fifty-five pound red female out of Princess X Griz. Princess and Griz have been producing some of the best dogs with the perfect combination of trainability, prey drive and winning personalities. Amber as a puppy never once had an accident in the house, when inside she was instantly calm, never chewed on anything and was doing water retrieves at a very young age. You won't catch us leaving home without her, she's the best hunting buddy and family dog anyone could ask for!
Turkey Creek's Worth Every Red Cent -- "Remi"
Remi, like Ginger knows how to spice up our lives, she's as personable as she is lovable! She is a fifty pound dark red female out of Copper X Griz. Copper and Griz have produced some of the best offspring that have the perfect on/off switch. They are winning titles and accomplishments...Remi and Ginger are proof of that. Their ability to perform and please are just a few of their list of great talents. Remi is like your favorite shotgun, she's a well-oiled machine that never lets you down and brings home upland and waterfowl game every chance she can!
Turkey Creek's Worth Every Red Cent -- "Addie"
Addie is a fifty pound red female with a heart that hardly fits inside her athletic frame. Addie's sire is Adventure Bound's Flame Thrower and her dam is Adventure Bound's Spicey Cajun. Addie may be small, but don't let her size fool you...she can retrieve ducks and geese with ease and wants nothing more than to please you. She's as sweet as she is talented, her drive is unstoppable yet she loves nothing more than to sit by the fireplace at night. We've said it before, and we will say it again...she has the on/off switch that a family can't be without!
Turkey Creek's Cupped and Committed -- "Avery"
Avery is a gorgeous blocky 65 pound yellow female out of Turkey Creeks Upland Classic (CP Sauk River Storm’s Phoenix X Bela Rose Red). Her dam is Turkey Creeks Dolce and Gabbana (GMPR HPK’s Rebel Rouser X Lanoue’s Magic Black Jack Skye). Avery is super athletic with a ton of drive. She has a unique combination of British and American field trial and pointing lines. This girl will go all day yet is a real sweetheart. She’s kind of our supermodel that hunts!! I’ve had phenomenal results with the dogs in her pedigree. Awesome combo of waterfowl and upland skills. Huge prey drive!!!
Turkey Creek's Worth Every Red Cent -- "Princess"
Princess is the queen of the castle, she is all heart with plenty of drive. She's the first to claim our son's bed and the first to retrieve the bird. Her sire is Duckpup's Fully Loaded, who is an outstanding pointing lab with the total package. He has incredible drive and unbelievable point, his sire was the famous Helm's Point Doctor. Her dam is Duckpup's Turkey Creek Tater Gotta Point who's parents are Goose and Mattie Mae, two of our foundation dogs. Princess' palace is our home!
Turkey Creek's Georgia Mud Fudge Red -- "Georgia"
Georgia is a gorgeous 55 pound red female. Her sire is Turkey Creeks Dunn Fowled Out (1.5 X GMPR Elcanan Jumpin’ Jake SH X GMPR Bearpoints Sage Well Dunn). Her dam is Turkey Creeks One Hot Pointdoc (Helms Signature Point Doctor (Point Doctor Son) X Helms Signature Starr). Georgia is full of drive and point! She is an incredible hunter with never ending stamina, yet is our quiet collected house dog at night. She loves to chase pheasant and grouse on the prairie, and finds shed antlers and tree squirrels for our boys in the Black Hills. She sleeps with our 14 year old at night. She is like her mom and dad as she reminds us of our wood burning stove, red hot flames when we need heat and quiet and cool when we don’t! Beautiful red color and the queen of our castle!! EIC Clear.
Turkey Creek's Apiecereno -- "Reno"
Reno is a gorgeous, blocky sixty pound dark chocolate female. Her sire is Turkey Creeks I Gotta Latte’ Go (GMPR Augie’s Cactus Jack SH X HPK’s Mambo Number Five). Reno’s dam is Turkey Creeks Apieceamonalisa (GMPR Hi Sierra Jazz’s Drifter MH X CP Sara’s Rockin Roxie). Reno is a sweetheart to be around and is great with kids!! She has been used as a guide dog and is an upland dream. She is easy going and “comfortable” to hunt with as she is a “no whistle” gentleman’s type of bird dog. Reno is a very thorough hunter and relentless when she hits the scent cone
Aka "Gopher"
Sophie is the perfect female, she’s our Black Hills Barbie. We waited a long time for a girl with her pedigree and she did not disappoint! We have yet to lose a bird when hunting over her. One word…DRIVE, yet sleeps with our boys every night and lazily begs for snacks in the morning when lunches are made. She hunts upland, waterfowl, shed antlers and even coyote hunts with us. She has required almost no training. Her drive is second to none, yet when traveling you don’t even know she’s around. Her natural ability is uncanny. Sophie may be the most gifted female we’ve ever been around, everything comes naturally for her. “Gopher” pups will be the new wave of the “best of the best.” Her sire is a 4 x GMPR SH HR Iowa Pointing Labs Roman (4 x GMPR MH Krogers Snappin Gator x CP High Caliber CHA CHING) and her dam is Iowa Pointing Labs Jewels (4 x GMPR Kioua Jesse James SH X CP Trupoint Polly).
Palmer is the result of years of breeding some of the best labs we have ran through our program. Both of her parents are gorgeous and phenomenal hunters. Palmer‘s parents are Lincoln – Turkey Creek’s Worth Every Red Cent and Reno – Turkey Creeks Apieceareno. Reno has been Lee’s personal go-to pheasant dog for years. Palmer is a true specimen of what a female lab should be. Beautiful and very athletic. Her nose is second to none. Her drive is fantastic, yet very controllable. Palmer loves to bird hunt and can be handled in the field by anyone. Palmer’s pups will be outstanding!